Monday, August 15, 2011

Poem & Print with Jane Lind

I am a big fan of Jane Lind's writing and want to share here a poem that she gave me during a session of printmaking lessons I was giving her in my studio a couple of weeks ago.  The poem was
inspired by a work of mine she had purchased from my show 'sweet nothings' at AWOL gallery during Printopolis last Autumn.  The work is titled the same as the poem,

"Memento- from when you were small"

She sits on a patterned red and blue quilt
spread on green grass
where Sweet Williams bloom.
Butterflies- Monarchs
light on the blossoms.
She chortles with pleasure,
reaches out her hand
but the bright wings
The butterfly returns
lights on her dress,
wings forever etched in her memory
on a pink organza summer dress.

(by Jane Lind,  2011)

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